
If you are a chess player, you will know the thrill in WINning a game through SACRIFICEs!

I mean BOTH ON the BOARD...

Though my chess-life didn't last more than 5 years... it had lot of thrills and sacrifices, many of them off the board! But that span was sufficient to learn the game on the life-board...

And to sustain that passion for that time, one person indirectly influenced me through his 'genius-moves'. If you can read chess-moves, you can take a glimpse at The Game of the Century.

He is none other than Bobby Fischer, the greatest chess player of all time who refused to defend his world title in 1975 and known to walk out of matches and tournaments for bad lighting and air-conditioning!

Last week he was checkmated by another brilliant player who is also my inspiration for my current game!

