Disabling an Editable Region in Nested Template of Dreamweaver

If you are reading this then obviously you have hit a situation where you have a nested template with an editable region carried from its parent template, which you want to modify in the nested template but make it non-editable in its instances so that the changes in nested template is carried to its instances.

Dreamweaver says, that can happen only (as I understand!) when you create another editable region inside the existing editable region which will make the outer enclosing editable region non-editable. But this still leaves us with one more small editable region which we may not want to have. 

Simple solution will be adding a dummy editable region manually using some other editor. 


Original template has an editable region. 
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="EditRegion1" --> 
<td>This is editable!</td> 
<!-- TemplateEndEditable --> 

So, the nested template which is an instance of original template will have it as an editable instance: 

 <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion1" --> 
<td>This is still editable!</td> 
<!-- InstanceEndEditable --> 

Now add a dummy region 'EditRegionDummy' to solve the problem! 

 <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion1" --> 
<td>This is non-editable now!</td> 
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="EditRegionDummy" -->
<!-- TemplateEndEditable --> 
<!-- InstanceEndEditable --> 

God's Template! 


Anonymous said…
Thanks...that was quite annoying and you post helped me out!